What is a plw file and how do I open a plw file?
Files with the PLW file extension are data files used by PicoLog data logging software which are used to contain different. PicoLog data files are used to contain logging information for each sample, and this recoded data may also be plotted on a spread sheet or graphical format. Pico data acquisition or data logging software is a powerful but highly adaptable software which can analyze, collect and display data. It also contains temperature and humidity and converters and loggers, real-time data collection, and multiple available views including spreadsheet view, graph view, recorder view and many more, which can be useful to handling all kinds of data. On the other hand, viewing and editing files in the PLW format is only limited to its authoring software, which is PicoLog. Another option would be to convert this said file format to a CSV file extension through numerous converters currently available. The CSV file format is known to store tabular data in plain text format separated through commas.
Recommended plw file download:
Pico Technology PicoLog
Detail plw file extension information:
Relevant plw file links:
How to open plw file on YoutubeHow to open plw file on Wikipedia
How to open plw file on Microsoft.com