What is a poi file and how do I open a poi file?
Files in the POI format, or Magellan Maestro Point of Interest Files, are Point of interest files used by Magellan Maestro navigation systems. Magellan Navigation, Inc., the developer of the Magellan Maestro navigation system, capitalizes on consumer and professional grade GBS or Global Positioning System receivers. The company also supplies GPS systems for automotive units. POI files are used to contain one or more points of interest which includes their names and locations. Such files are commonly known to contain data on navigation destination and also to generate navigational routes. However, viewing and managing POI files in only limited to it authoring program which is the Magellan Maestro Content Manager. Opening of such files outside its authoring program may require file conversion. The most efficient way is to convert it to a CSV file so that it may be viewable to the more common software such as MS Excel.
Recommended poi file download:
Magellan Content Manager - ToolBox
Detail poi file extension information:
Relevant poi file links:
How to open poi file on YoutubeHow to open poi file on Wikipedia
How to open poi file on Microsoft.com