What is a ptb file and how do I open a ptb file?
The PTB file extension is used to indicate files used and created by Power Tab, a programs that is used to create and edit tablatures. Tablatures, or tabs, are forms of musical notations. It is more commonly created for fretted, stringed musical instruments. It is made to indicate the finger positioning when playing the instrument. Some of the other more known power tab programs are Guitar Pro and TuxGuitar. The said applications both use an open source tablature editor and offer other features such as editing, scoring, triplet support and importing and exporting files. It also has built-in tools including a basic MIDI editor, a chord plotter and a metronome. PTB files are used to contain tablatures for guitar and bass to be used as music sheets. To view and manage such files, it may require the user to install a Power Tab or a program similar to it into the system.
Relevant ptb file links:
How to open ptb file on YoutubeHow to open ptb file on Wikipedia
How to open ptb file on Microsoft.com