What is a qb2006 file and how do I open a qb2006 file?
The QuickBooks 2006 File is stored in the QB2006 format, and this file is appended with the QB2006 extension. These files are used by QuickBooks and are generally classified as data files that contain company accounting data consisting of company expense and income details among other financial data. These files are used for financial data monitoring, tax filing and payroll management. The Quickbooks 2006 software application features shortened menu, abbreviated setup Wizard and hyperlinked to common questions. Visually, it provided new home page compared to earlier or older versions. It has an interactive graphical map and filtered lists of customers in several classifications. It is also fully integrated not only to Excel and Word but also to Microsoft Outlook. Aside from integration, it also provides Synchronization tool to Microsoft Outlook contacts. The Intuit QuickBooks Mac 2012 can be used in Mac OS and Intuit QuickBooks Pro 2012 is for Microsoft Windows based systems to access and view QB2006 files.
Relevant qb2006 file links:
How to open qb2006 file on YoutubeHow to open qb2006 file on Wikipedia
How to open qb2006 file on Microsoft.com