What is a qpb file and how do I open a qpb file?
The QuickBooks Point of Sale Data File is stored in the QPB format and is affixed with the QPB extension, and is used by the QuickBooks Point of Sale (POS) application. These QPB files are generally classified as data files that contain primary data file or a backup file automatically created by the software. These files allow the business data to be saved and restored in the case of a backup. The default backup location is the …intuitQUICKBOOKS POINT OF SALE 4.0DATA
BACKUP folder. However it is strongly recommended to have regular backups to a separate location such as in compact disks or off-site storage. Back up files are compressed files but may require multiple disks to successfully complete a backup. The user can also restore QPB files by selecting “File” then click on “Restore” in QuickBooks POS. The Intuit QuickBooks Point of Sale 2013 software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and run the content stored in these QPB files.
Recommended qpb file download:
Intuit QuickBooks Point of Sale 2013
Detail qpb file extension information:
Relevant qpb file links:
How to open qpb file on YoutubeHow to open qpb file on Wikipedia
How to open qpb file on Microsoft.com