What is a qpf file and how do I open a qpf file?
The Quartus II Project File is stored in the QPF format and is affixed with the QPF extension, and is used by the Quartus II program. These QPF files are generally classified as data files that contain data related to a single design analysis project and information about the current version of the Quartus II software and all the revisions created for the project. These project ?les are plain text ?les and can be edited with any editor. These files are only generated after creating a new project bundled with settings file. In general QPF files do not contain any information compared to other files generated by Quartus II project. For creating projects, the software includes a Project Wizard to help create a new project and assign basic settings easily. The New Project Wizard command can be found in the Edit menu. The Altera Quartus II software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems and Linux to access and open the stored in these QPF files.
Relevant qpf file links:
How to open qpf file on YoutubeHow to open qpf file on Wikipedia
How to open qpf file on Microsoft.com