What is a qrp file and how do I open a qrp file?
The QuickReport File is stored in the QRP format and is affixed with the QRP extension, and is used by the QuickReport program. These QRP files are generally classified as data files that contain report components, such as graphics, text, tables, and layout information. They are generated by using the QuickReport API utility and converted into other file types in QuickReport, including HTML, JPG, PDF, XML, XL, WMF, ASCII and CSV formats. The PDF and HTML export filters do not create temporary files due to TQRPrinterSettings memory limit function. The QuickReport program generates report in Delphi code with Delphi and C++Builder integration. There are two versions of the software, the Standard and Pro editions. The Embarcadero Delphi, Embarcadero C++Builder, Zyl Soft RepView, Dr. Regener QuickReport-Viewer, Responsive Software QRP Viewer and 3Engine QuickReport Viewer software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and open the data stored in these QRP files.
Relevant qrp file links:
How to open qrp file on YoutubeHow to open qrp file on Wikipedia
How to open qrp file on Microsoft.com