What is a ral file and how do I open a ral file?
The WinRail Track Design File is stored in the RAL format and is affixed with the RAL extension, and is used by the Winrail program. These RAL files are generally classified as data files that contain railroad track design including track positions, article numbers of the tracks used, and other contents that may affect the design such as buildings, trees, roadbeds, and other objects. The WinRail software is used for designing and drawing model railway layouts. It also allows car racing tracks design and supports different levels for the elements using a layer concept in design. The whole layout designs can be printed to a complete set of scaled printings in full colour by using a colour printer and small sections of the layout, or individual pages, can be printed if needed. The Span Software WinRail and Span Software WinRail Free 3D Layout Viewer software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and run the RAL files.
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Relevant ral file links:
How to open ral file on YoutubeHow to open ral file on Wikipedia
How to open ral file on Microsoft.com