What is a rdb file and how do I open a rdb file?
The N64 ROM Database file is stored in the RDB format and is affixed with the RDB extension, and is used by Nintendo. These RDB files are generally classified as data files that contain list of Nintendo 64 ROMS (.N64 and .Z64 files) that can be played by an N64 emulator and used for identifying unknown ROMS and for saving emulator settings for each game. Emulator programs that use Nintendo 64 ROM databases include Project 64, Numen64 and N64emu. The Nintendo 64 was released in 1996 and offered superior graphics to the Super Nintendo and games including Super Mario 64 and Golden Eye. Its popular component was the use of cartridges instead of compact discs. The most popular N64 ROMs include The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Banjo-Kazooie. The Numen 64 software can be used in Mac Operating systems and Microsoft Windows based systems to access and play RDB files.
Relevant rdb file links:
How to open rdb file on YoutubeHow to open rdb file on Wikipedia
How to open rdb file on Microsoft.com