What is a ref file and how do I open a ref file?
The Microsoft Train Simulator Reference File is stored in the REF format and is affixed with the REF extension, and is used by Microsoft Train Simulator program. These REF files are generally classified as data files that contain shape file settings references such as the .S shape filename, shadow properties, class, alignment, and description. They also store a list of shapes that can be imported into a simulation. The Microsoft Train Simulator is also known as MSTS and it is a computer based game that involves simulation of train operations. The user or gameplayer gets to operate a train that will run in 6 railway routes. The base package contains 9 drivable locomotives and multiple units plus 8 AI trains. It also features custom building route in Europe, Asia and the United States. The Microsoft Train Simulator software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and play REF files.
Recommended ref file download:
Microsoft Train Simulator
Detail ref file extension information:
File Format: Microsoft Train Simulator Reference File
Primary Association: Data Files
Relevant ref file links:
How to open ref file on YoutubeHow to open ref file on Wikipedia
How to open ref file on Microsoft.com