What is a rf1 file and how do I open a rf1 file?
The Retirement Forecast File is stored in the RF1 format and is affixed with the RF1 extension, and is used by Retirement Forecast software. These RF1 files are generally classified as data files that are integrated in the software. The Retirement Forecast Software offers personal estimation of values of A and B plans for planned retirement date. It requires the work position, upgrade estimate, number of hours of pay per month, rates of contribution and rates of return on plan B. It also offers application of early retirement penalties or late retirement bonuses if applicable, and will find the best 60 months of the last 120 months of employment to correctly estimate plan A. This software gives two retirement choices to people nearing retirement as well as new hires. The Denali Documents Retirement Forecast software can be used in Mac operating systems and in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and read RF1 files.
Recommended rf1 file download:
Denali Documents Retirement Forecast
Detail rf1 file extension information:
Relevant rf1 file links:
How to open rf1 file on YoutubeHow to open rf1 file on Wikipedia
How to open rf1 file on Microsoft.com