What is a rge file and how do I open a rge file?
The Entourage Archive file is stored in the RGE format and is affixed with the RGE extension, and is used by Entourage database. These RGE files are generally classified as data files that contain mail messages, tasks, contacts, notes, calendar events, and project files. The Entourage File Menu includes an Import and Export Command which takes charge in creating and importing these files. These files are used in data transport and archiving to any version of Entourage. These files are smaller in size compared to the database. Outlook replaced the Microsoft Entourage in Office for Mac 2011 however Outlook 2011 can open and import RGE files. The Entourage differs from Outlook by having an MBOX file. The MBOX file is another form of archiving files and allows importing and restoring messages. The Microsoft Outlook 2011 and Stellar Phoenix Entourage Recovery software can be used in Mac operating systems to access and read RGE files.
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Relevant rge file links:
How to open rge file on YoutubeHow to open rge file on Wikipedia
How to open rge file on Microsoft.com