What is a rgo file and how do I open a rgo file?
The RepliGo Virtual Print File is stored in the RGO format and is affixed with the RGO extension, and is used by Repligo products. These RGO files are generally classified as data files that contain virtual print data information. These files are produced when the ReliGo virtual printer prints documents to RepliGo format. PDF, CAD files, WordPerfect and other formats can be converted to RepliGo format because of the virtual printer. In personal digital assistant or PDA, these files have the same quality as PDF format but are smaller in size so they serve as alternative to PDF format in mobile devices. Aside from PDA, RGO documents can be viewed in a free Windows viewer. These files are specifically utilized by RepliGo Server and RepliGo Professional applications. The RepliGo software is a printable document converter. The Cerience RepliGo Viewer software can be used in Microsoft Windows based systems to access and read RGO files.
Recommended rgo file download:
Cerience RepliGo Viewer
Detail rgo file extension information:
Relevant rgo file links:
How to open rgo file on YoutubeHow to open rgo file on Wikipedia
How to open rgo file on Microsoft.com