What is a rnq file and how do I open a rnq file?
The Renque Model File is stored in the RNQ format and is affixed with the RNQ extension and is used by Renque. These RNQ format are generally classified as data files that contain model data of an event simulation or all information contained in a Renque simulation project like bitmaps, embedded spreadsheets and all simulation data. These files are also known as Renque Project files and are encoded in ASCII-format which can be edited by most text editors. The Renque software application is designed for general-purpose discrete event simulation which is used to develop, analyze, conduct and improve operating procedures of logical systems. It features a systematic graphical user interface and a simulation engine. The user interface consists of the screen menus and icons and other components that the user can interact with. The center or main component of the simulation engine is the event calendar which performs the operation on an entity at a specific time.
Recommended rnq file download:
Renque Discrete Event Simulation software
Detail rnq file extension information:
Relevant rnq file links:
How to open rnq file on YoutubeHow to open rnq file on Wikipedia
How to open rnq file on Microsoft.com