What is a rpa file and how do I open a rpa file?
The RIB Project Archive File is stored in the RPA format and is affixed with the RPA extension and is used by iTWO, a construction planning and engineering software package. These RPA files are generally classified as data files that contain the archive files of a Progress ObjectStore database used for creating backups and archiving projects. They serve as backup copies of RPD files. The RIB iTWO software can be used Microsoft Windows systems to access and view RPA files. This software is a combination of traditional and modern five dimensional planning applied in construction and engineering industry. The five dimensional planning involves a geometric model, time and resource control in all project phases. RIB iTWO, allows working on several projects at the same time in various windows on one or several screens to save time and energy. The Progress ObjectStore database is the backend storage format for iTWO project data.
Relevant rpa file links:
How to open rpa file on YoutubeHow to open rpa file on Wikipedia
How to open rpa file on Microsoft.com