What is a rsw file and how do I open a rsw file?
An R&R SQL Report Writer report file is a data file containing definitions and settings used by the R&R ReportWorks software. These R&R SQL Report Writer report files are integrated with data compilation specifications employed by the R&R ReportWorks application for the content it needs to reference as report document definitions and settings. These R&R SQL Report Writer report files are also implemented with encoding standards used by the R&R ReportWorks software for the RSW file format. The R&R ReportWorks program was developed as an application with a set of integrated features used for the development of report materials using data stored in certain databases like the Xbase database management program. The SQL compound file format is implemented into the content stored in these R&R SQL Report Writer report files. The Microsoft Windows SQL software, starting with the Arpeggio edition, use these R&R SQL Report Writer report files. Certain database management applications can also be used with the R&R ReportWorks application to generate reports stored in these R&R SQL Report Writer report files.
Recommended rsw file download:
Liveware Publishing R&R SQL Report Writer
Detail rsw file extension information:
Relevant rsw file links:
How to open rsw file on YoutubeHow to open rsw file on Wikipedia
How to open rsw file on Microsoft.com