What is a scg file and how do I open a scg file?
The SCG file extension is the abbreviation of S Curve Generator and is listed under the category of data files and was created by Midori Media. It is an application program which is used by project managers to produce "S curves;" contains SCG definitions, which dictates the type of S curve to produce and an output and input file. It is also being utilized to create outputs that visualize costs, labor hours, or any other quantities. The SCG file extension requires the input file to be in a Microsoft Excel format and also produces an output to an Excel file format. The input file can be generated from another scheduling application or it can also be generated by exporting it into a Microsoft Project plan. The SCG file extension requires an installation of MS Excel on the user’s computer. This type of file extension is also known to be associated with file type ColoRIX Image.
Recommended scg file download:
Midori Media myPM SCG
Detail scg file extension information:
Relevant scg file links:
How to open scg file on YoutubeHow to open scg file on Wikipedia
How to open scg file on Microsoft.com