What is a sdd file and how do I open a sdd file?
The SDD file extension is a StarOffice Presentation file type that was originally developed by the company Oracle and utilizes the software StarImpress. Included in the StarOffice suite is this slide show application that saves a collection of slides that usually incorporates a tile slide and also consists of supporting slides. The SDD file extension was first used by StarImpress version 5. The 6th version later on adopted the SXI file format. OpenOffice.org and StarOffice’s successor, now named OpenOffice are both utilized by ODP file extensions for slide show presentations. Other applications that open SDD file extensions are Planamesa NeoOffice and Apache Open Office. If the user interface is unable to open an SDD file extension, it may be for the reasons that the user interface does not have the correct software installed or the file in discussion is corrupt. It is recommended that a system scan be conducted before attempting to open the said file.
Recommended sdd file download:
Apache OpenOffice
Apache Open Office
Detail sdd file extension information:
File Format: StarOffice Presentation
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/soffice, application/vnd.stardivision.impress, application/x-soffice, application/x-staroffice
Relevant sdd file links:
How to open sdd file on YoutubeHow to open sdd file on Wikipedia
How to open sdd file on Microsoft.com