What is a sy3 file and how do I open a sy3 file?
A Harvard Graphics symbol file is integrated with text and binary formatting attributes used by the Harvard Graphics document presentation software, and these Harvard Graphics symbol files are also implemented with file and data encoding specifications proprietary to Harvard Graphics for the SY3 file format. XML-based standards are also implemented into the content of these Harvard Graphics symbol files. The data contained in a Harvard Graphics symbol file includes a list of symbols and special characters that can be used in conjunction with text and digital objects entered by the author of a Harvard Graphics symbol file using a supported Harvard Graphics document presentation program. These Harvard Graphics symbol files are automatically created and edited by the Harvard Graphics document presentation software when a user enters special characters and symbols into a document presentation project. This means when a user views the content of a document presentation project using the Harvard Graphics presentation software, the corresponding Harvard Graphics symbol file is located by the application, and the data stored in the SY3 file is then referenced for the program to be able to display the special characters and symbols added by the author to the document presentation project. These Harvard Graphics symbol files are affixed with the .sy3 extension.
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Detail sy3 file extension information:
File Format: Harvard Graphics Symbol File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: image/x-harvard-graphics
Relevant sy3 file links:
How to open sy3 file on YoutubeHow to open sy3 file on Wikipedia
How to open sy3 file on Microsoft.com