What is a tax09 file and how do I open a tax09 file?
The TAX file extension is used by TurboTax, an award-winning tax-filing software package. There are Windows and Mac versions available as either downloads or on a CD. It can be used for both federal and state income tax returns. Features include the ability to automatically download W-2 data from more than 100,000 companies and a nifty feature in which you can have your tax refunds loaded onto a prepaid visa card. The resulting forms are subsequently validated and prepared for submission either online or via post. It is also fully supported and the developers provide useful general tax advice free of charge to all customers. There’s also a huge community of users waiting to help you. In this instance tax09 file format is used to signify a tax filing for the year 2009. The tax2009 file extension is a more common file extension for this year which serves the same purpose.
Relevant tax09 file links:
How to open tax09 file on YoutubeHow to open tax09 file on Wikipedia
How to open tax09 file on Microsoft.com