What is a tax2008 file and how do I open a tax2008 file?
The TAX2008 (other variants represent different years) file type is used by TurboTax, a tax-filing software created by Intuit Inc. The software is solely used for the creation, validation and submission of US-based tax returns. It can be used for both federal and state income tax returns and handles personal and small business taxes. The resulting forms are subsequently validated and prepared for submission either online or via post with the former being much quicker. Encryption is used throughout to ensure the safety of your confidential data. The software was originally developed by Chipsoft and later sold to Intuit. The file extension is often prepended with a year - for example .tax2008 for tax returns in the year 2008. Whilst there are many competitors TurboTax is one of the oldest and most recognized solutions available today.
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Relevant tax2008 file links:
How to open tax2008 file on YoutubeHow to open tax2008 file on Wikipedia
How to open tax2008 file on Microsoft.com