What is a tde file and how do I open a tde file?
The TDE data file format is used by Tableau Desktop, a whiteboard visualization and analysis application. It may contain data extracted from external sources such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access. TDE files are used for storing external data in a format recognized by the Tableau software. These pieces of data can be text, numerical and statistical data among others. This software must be installed into the system in order to allow the user to create, open and modify the content of these TDE files. Since Tableau Desktop is implemented with compatibility support for widely used versions of Microsoft Windows, users of computers that run on these operating systems can install Tableau Desktop in order to start creating, opening, viewing and editing the content of these TDE files.
Recommended tde file download:
Tableau Desktop
Tableau Desktop
Detail tde file extension information:
File Format: Tableau Data Extract File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/tde
Relevant tde file links:
How to open tde file on YoutubeHow to open tde file on Wikipedia
How to open tde file on Microsoft.com