What is a tdm file and how do I open a tdm file?
The TDM file extension is implemented by LabView, a program used in the interaction with hardware devices. The pieces of data that can be stored in these TDM files are encoded with ASCII specifications and standards. The TDM file format is also used by some data research and analysis tools that were also developed by National Instruments Corporation. These are applications designed for measurements and engineering in areas such as processing, evaluating and generating reports for measurement data. The TDM file format archives measurement and analysis data plus descriptive information in a hierarchical structure. Data from several measurements can be archived in one single TDM file. Other pieces of data, such as test results, can also be stored in these TDM files. When TDM files are loaded unto compatible software, the original data hierarchy plus any additional descriptive information is immediately available to the user. This enables data analysis, report generation and easier interpretation of results.
Relevant tdm file links:
How to open tdm file on YoutubeHow to open tdm file on Wikipedia
How to open tdm file on Microsoft.com