What is a tdt file and how do I open a tdt file?
TDT files are implemented by the THOR-Merlin database application. This is used to store and review chemical information. These files are saved in plain text format. TDT files are also implemented for the storage of AVCHD thumbnail files used in HD video recording by various Sony and Panasonic digital camcorders. The file extension TDT also represents the data file generated by the Daylight Fingerprint software application. This software provides cheminformatics toolkits, database systems, web services, and programs that are capable of infinite user customization, which cater to a wide variety of specialized scientific programs. This file type is also used as a tower file, a component of SimTower, a popular video game. The file in this case contains various virtual structures used during gameplay such as hotels and offices. The game is available for both Windows and Mac.
Recommended tdt file download:
Daylight THOR-Merlin System
Detail tdt file extension information:
Relevant tdt file links:
How to open tdt file on YoutubeHow to open tdt file on Wikipedia
How to open tdt file on Microsoft.com