What is a tmw file and how do I open a tmw file?
Document language translation applications included in the Trados software product line use a translation memory data file for the conversion of written text found in one document entered into a Trados translation application to another language supported by the program. These translation memory data files are integrated with certain data storage standards used for archiving linguistic content and translation libraries that can be read, interpreted and used by Trados document translation applications. These programs also implement custom encoding standards into the content of these translation memory data files so it can be stored in the TMW file format. These translation memory data files are affixed with the .tmw extension and are saved in a format suitable for database management and data updates. This means these translation memory data files can be automatically uploaded by Trados document translation programs into predesignated Web servers owned and managed by SDL, developers of the TMW file format and the Trados document translation software product line. This process is done to update the database stored in those Web servers, which are called translation memories. This in turn improves the accuracy of Trados document translation programs in terms of translating written content from one language to another, because new entries are constantly added to the database stored in SDL Web servers, and incorrect entries are also pruned by the regular uploading of these translation memories or translation memory data files. The Trados Translator's Workbench software can be used to open and view the content of these TMW files.
Relevant tmw file links:
How to open tmw file on YoutubeHow to open tmw file on Wikipedia
How to open tmw file on Microsoft.com