What is a vbpf1 file and how do I open a vbpf1 file?
A Virtual Business - Personal Finance data file is integrated with text, numerical and statisstical formatting specifications proprietary to Knowledge Matters, and these Virtual Business - Personal Finance data files are used as a data file created by the Virtual Business - Personal Finance software, an educational finance-related application that was also developed by Knowledge Matters. Certain data encoding standards, also proprietary to Knowledge Matters, are also implemented into these Virtual Business - Personal Finance data files to allow the Virtual Business - Personal Finance software to store its content in the VBPF1 file format. Affixed with the .vbpf1 extension, the content of a Virtual Business - Personal Finance data file includes details associated to a simulated game saved by a Virtual Business - Personal Finance user, and these pieces of data can include bills incurred in the game, bank accounts, debit and credit cards, insurance rates, taxation stats or values and credit scores among other finance and investment-related details. The Virtual Business - Personal Finance software is integrated with a set of game simulation features intended to teach players key concepts in handling and managing finance-related data.
Recommended vbpf1 file download:
Knowledge Matters Virtual Business - Personal Finance
Detail vbpf1 file extension information:
File Format: Virtual Business - Personal Finance Data File
Primary Association: Data Files
Relevant vbpf1 file links:
How to open vbpf1 file on YoutubeHow to open vbpf1 file on Wikipedia
How to open vbpf1 file on Microsoft.com