What is a wk2 file and how do I open a wk2 file?
The .wk2 file extension is also associated with the Lotus 1-2-3 application but it is more specifically used by the version 2 of this software which is why files with this extension are known as Lotus 2 Worksheet files. Version 2 of Lotus worksheet is pretty much the same because it is also a spreadsheet program that enables the creation of spreadsheet files. The .wk2 files used by this application contain column and row grids and it is used to support numbers, formulas, texts as well as other data. These files are also helpful when it comes to creating, and organizing data that is entered with the use of this spreadsheet. When users create data in spreadsheets, these are saved using the .wk2 extension. This file extension is also associated with the Keyview for Louts application wherein users are allowed to view documents created by Lotus software. These files can be opened by various applications although Microsoft Excel 2007 no longer supports this file extension.
Relevant wk2 file links:
How to open wk2 file on YoutubeHow to open wk2 file on Wikipedia
How to open wk2 file on Microsoft.com