What is a wtr file and how do I open a wtr file?
Files with the .wtr extension are deemed as Encarta files usually used by the program called Encarta encyclopedia. This file extension was developed by Microsoft and .wtr files contain Encarta encyclopedia entries. Encarta is a very popular electronic encyclopedia and it does not only contain texts and definition of terms. It also contains music clips, illustrations, videos, timelines, photos and other tools that make the use of this encyclopedia convenient and user-friendly. These files can be viewed and accessed online and they can also come in CDs and DVDs. This Encarta encyclopedia is very helpful for users to understand some terms and do electronic research. These files cannot be opened manually but accessed with the use of the Encarta software. Other applications used to open these files are Winter Windows Scheduler, Farsite, and Microsoft Encarta as well as file converters and editors.
Relevant wtr file links:
How to open wtr file on YoutubeHow to open wtr file on Wikipedia
How to open wtr file on Microsoft.com