What is a xgmml file and how do I open a xgmml file?
Files containing the .xgmml extension are most commonly known as XGMML Graph Files. These files are created using the XGML format or eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language, a very excellent format used to describe structured graphs. All the nodes and vertices that a graph contains are described by these .xgmml files. The applications that can be used to open these .xgmml files are yWorks yEd Graph Editor and Cytoscape. yWorks yEd Graph Editor is a program for generating high quality diagrams quickly and effectively as possible. This allows users to create and import diagrams and this software is available for Windows, MAC OS and Linux. On the other hand, Cytoscape is software used to visualize complex networks by which these networks are integrated with various types of attribute information. This program is usually used in genomics, biology and proteomics. .xgmml file converters and .xgmml file editors can also be used to open these files if the two applications mentioned are not installed in the system.
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Relevant xgmml file links:
How to open xgmml file on YoutubeHow to open xgmml file on Wikipedia
How to open xgmml file on Microsoft.com