What is a zmc file and how do I open a zmc file?
The ZMC file extension is a data file format associated to an antivirus program called ZoneAlarm Mailsafe Antivirus. ZMC files and ZoneAlarm Antivirus were created by Zone Labs and are currently developed by CheckPoint Software Technologies. These files contain suspicious email file attachment contents and are renamed with a .zmc file extension to prevent execution of such files. The software is used to protect computers remain free from viruses, malware, identity theft and hackers. They identify, mark, and quarantine the original email attachment. Quarantine process happens in a quarantine folder found within the Zone Alarm installation. Originally the files have EML file extension and are renamed to ZMC format before quarantine to prevent accidentally opening suspicious files. They continue to remain harm free when they are stored within the quarantine folder. However, they can also be opened by renaming the files back to its original extension like .eml, .exe, .pdf, .jpg, or others.
Recommended zmc file download:
ZoneAlarm Antivirus 2013
Detail zmc file extension information:
Relevant zmc file links:
How to open zmc file on YoutubeHow to open zmc file on Wikipedia
How to open zmc file on Microsoft.com