What is a mq4 file and how do I open a mq4 file?
The MQ4 file extension is known as the MetaTrader Custom Indicator File which was designed by MetaQuotes Software Corp. MQ4 file format is the source code of the programs wrote in MQL4 programming language. Source code means they could be opened for viewing or editing in MetaEditor and is essential to change indicator's code. It can be a Custom Indicator, Script, or Library file written in the MetaQuotes Language, which typically includes variables, functions, and comments. Custom Indicator is a technical indicator written independently in addition to those already integrated into the client terminal. Like built-in indicators, they cannot be trade automatically and are intended for implementing of analytical functions only. Custom Indicators are located in the desktop and are stored in terminal_ directoryexpertsindicators. MetaTrader is an on-line trading platform designed for financial institutions dealing with Forex, CFD, and Futures markets. Files in MQ4 format can be opened with MetaQuotes MetaTrader in Microsoft Windows platofrms.
Recommended mq4 file download:
MetaQuotes MetaTrader
Detail mq4 file extension information:
Relevant mq4 file links:
How to open mq4 file on YoutubeHow to open mq4 file on Wikipedia
How to open mq4 file on Microsoft.com