What is an aim file and how do I open an aim file?
AIM is a model file also known as AIMMS or Advanced Integrated Multidimensional Modeling Software. It is a model which was created and saved in a text format using AIMMS modeling which is very much similar to that of .AMB files. ASCII text files features are used in this type of file and not binary file. Its operating system basically is cross platform but with few limitations. This software is best preferred in solving scheduling and optimization problems. Its features include graphical user interface, algebraic modeling language and integrated development environment. The software is also connected to various solvers under the AIMMS Open Solver Interface among of which include KNITRO, MINOS, GUROBI, CPLEX, CBC, SNOPT, CONOPT AND IPOPT. Programming used is a combination of logic computation and statements that describe computation or imperative programming. Different types of mathematical based problems are supported by this application namely mixed integer programming, quadratic programming and linear programming.
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Relevant aim file links:
How to open aim file on YoutubeHow to open aim file on Wikipedia
How to open aim file on Microsoft.com