What is a dotm file and how do I open a dotm file?
The DOTM file extension is a Microsoft Word File template developed by Microsoft Corporation in its version of 2007 and 2010 document template files. The Microsoft Word program allows users to share and create various documents with the help of an extensive set of tools and aided by Microsoft’s easy to use interface. Its word processing program includes settings, macros and a default layout for documents. Macros are short programs assigned to do a set of tasks. DOTM file has two attributes namely Zip file compression and XML (Extensive Markup Language). It is identical to .DOCX and .DOCM file in which the M stands for macro and the X stands for xml. The application that can open both .DOCX and .DOCM is via Microsoft Word version 2007 or 2010. Lower versions of Microsoft Word can’t open these files unless users have a handy Word converter which allows them to see the contents of the file that was sent to them.
Recommended dotm file download:
Apache OpenOffice
Microsoft Word 2013
Detail dotm file extension information:
File Format: Word Open XML Macro-Enabled Document Template
Primary Association: Text Files
Mime Type: application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12
Relevant dotm file links:
How to open dotm file on YoutubeHow to open dotm file on Wikipedia
How to open dotm file on Microsoft.com