What is a dvi file and how do I open a dvi file?
The DVI file extension is an acronym which came from the word “DeVice Independent file”. A file appended with this file extension can be processed by any typographic device or display that is very much available nowadays. It is not dependent on the image format, display device or printer. The DVI file format was first discovered on a Research Facility in New Jersey on the year of 1984. The well known developer nowadays of DVI files and DVI technology is Intel Corporation; they bought it from GE in the year 1988. File formats of this type is typically used for motion picture which involves audio and video as normally seen in movies. It is basically an output file of documents which are created in Tex Latex Software. DVI file formats works well both in Windows and MAC platforms. For windows based platforms, you can use applications such as DVII, LaTeX Editor, MiKTeX and BaKoMa TeX. On the other hand, for MAC based platforms you can use Skim, LyX/Mac and DVII.
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Detail dvi file extension information:
File Format: Device Independent Format File
Primary Association: Text Files
Mime Type: application/x-dvi
Relevant dvi file links:
How to open dvi file on YoutubeHow to open dvi file on Wikipedia
How to open dvi file on Microsoft.com