What is a cyi file and how do I open a cyi file?
The CYI file extension is used for text files created and released by Hot Neuron and usually used by Clustify. Clustify is an application that organizes documents into a cluster which arranges and identifies similar files. It analyzes what a document is in terms of common keywords found and allows it to be organized and considered as similar to one another. This is then considered under the term Clustering which uses a mathematical scale model that measure the likeness of a pair of documents. A representative document is usually identified in clustify and documents grouped in a cluster are similar to the representative document which is within the borders that you focused on. This in turn allows you to decide which to review based on the representative document identified in the cluster. Clustify also allows users to tag various documents with a single click of the mouse. This somehow eliminates the time needed in processing similar documents and makes it more efficient and easy.
Relevant cyi file links:
How to open cyi file on YoutubeHow to open cyi file on Wikipedia
How to open cyi file on Microsoft.com