What is a gpn file and how do I open a gpn file?
The GPN file extension is used for a GlidePlan Map Document. It is usually identified with a flight mapping software application used in aviation by pilots. Among its features include fully customized colors and increased map clarity, can be viewed using windows and Mac OS, shows print maps with new land outs, easy explore impact of arrival altitude and glider performance on tasks and goals, maps are based on FAA scanned and sourced areas, eliminates the need to mark sectional manually and easy visuals of goals and tasks. GlidePlan provides complete control of flight parameters. It allows setting of the glide ratio and arrival altitude with every skill level. Its high resolutions give pilots a general overview of graphic overlays appearance, transparency and color. GlidePlan maps are printable with easy access to a multitude of pages. Tasks can be created instantly by clicking on an area and identifying the various turning points desired by the pilot.
Relevant gpn file links:
How to open gpn file on YoutubeHow to open gpn file on Wikipedia
How to open gpn file on Microsoft.com