What is an ascii file and how do I open an ascii file?
An ASCII file is a text file that allows a document to be recognized and read easily by any platform or operating system. It basically makes the file more accessible without any restrictions and commonly uses ASC file extension. ASCII is American Standard Code for Information Interchange and was designed for computers as a standard character set and other devices like tapedrives and teleprinters in the 1960’s. Today, ASCII codes are currently being used in all kinds of communication equipments, computers and other devices that employ texts. Its features include a 7-bit character set with 128 characters. It contains also upper and lower case letters from A to Z and numbers from 0 to 9. Modern computers of today use ASCII set of characters in sending information through the internet and is a feature in HTML website creation. Internet pages accessed by your browser can not operate properly without HTML written in ASCII codes.
Relevant ascii file links:
How to open ascii file on YoutubeHow to open ascii file on Wikipedia
How to open ascii file on Microsoft.com