What is a gsd file and how do I open a gsd file?
The GSD file extension is used for a General Station Description File developed by PROFIBUS & PROFINET. ASCII configuration is used for Process Automation or Decentralized Peripherals devices. Allows creation with the use of the text editor like PROFIBUS GSD and normally includes configuration information and keywords which are separated by line breaks. PROFIBUS is used for FIELD BUS communication. Automation technology was first introduced in 1989 by BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and also being used by SIEMENS. It echoed a plan to create a master plan called FIELD BUS. Its main focus is to enable the use of a bit-serial field bus that could meet the requirements needed for field devices interface. Bit-serials are bit-serial architectures that send data one bit at a time using only a single wire. It was developed in the 1960’s for DigitalSignal Processing. Two variations are still in use to date namely PROFIBUS PA and PROFIBUS DP wherein the previous operate actuators and sensors while the latter monitors measuring equipment.
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Relevant gsd file links:
How to open gsd file on YoutubeHow to open gsd file on Wikipedia
How to open gsd file on Microsoft.com