What is a hht file and how do I open a hht file?
The HHT file extension is used for a Help and Support Center HHT file, which was developed by Microsoft Corporation. HHT files specify classification of content intended for help documents, which are primarily created by Microsoft Help and Support Center. Files like these normally appear in XML formats and specify classification of content for the help documents. It also dictates the way content should be mapped in relation to taxonomy and the creation of new nodes. XML is acronym for Extensible Markup Language. It is a language that specifies a set of rules to be used when encoding documents that can be read by both machine and human. Extensive markup language focuses usability, simplicity and generality over the web. It is a textual data format that is encoded using UNICODE. Unicode is the standard being used in encoding characters for software. The use of Unicode at character unification has paved the way for its widespread use in the international arena of computer writing software.
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Relevant hht file links:
How to open hht file on YoutubeHow to open hht file on Wikipedia
How to open hht file on Microsoft.com