What is a lyx file and how do I open a lyx file?
The LYX file extension is used for a LyX Document developed by LyX. LYX is computer software that is available in source code. It is a document processor which follow the paradigm WYSIWYM (what you see is what you mean) approach. This is based on actual facts that what may appear on the monitor’s screen is an estimate of what to expect on the next page. The operating system used by LYX is cross-platform and Programming language used is C++, Q14. The software is a popular choice by scientists and authors due to its advanced mathematical measures. Among LYX features include ability to export any documents to Plain text, DocBookSGML and XHTML; import various text formats; table and math editor; textclasses and templates; BibTex support; supports Korean, Japanese and Chinese languages; cut, paste and spell–checking standard operations; support for right to left languages of Hebrew, Arabic and Persian with bi-directional text; laid out text according to spacing, hyphenation, indents and standard typographic rules; automatically numbered headings, paragraphs, title and table of contents.
Relevant lyx file links:
How to open lyx file on YoutubeHow to open lyx file on Wikipedia
How to open lyx file on Microsoft.com