What is a mwp file and how do I open a mwp file?
The MWP file extension is used for a Lotus Word Pro SmartMaster File created by IBM. It is usually a template that is preformatted for use in IBM OS/2 warp and Microsoft Windows compatible computers. MWP files are identified also with .LWP Documents and vice versa. IBM’s Lotus Software group is the developer of Lotus Word Pro, word processor software that is part of the Lotus SmartSuite Office suite. Lotus Word Pro was originally based on Ami Pro, word processing program released by Samna (Computer Software Company based in Atlanta, Georgia). Samna Word is considered as an innovation in the field of word processors and a rival in the DOS market. It had many attributes but was discouraged by other users due to issues about speed and a print preview that can not be edited. The Samna Word advantage is that it shows format and font which is a first in WYSIWYG word processor. Lotus Software Group was able to obtain Samna in 1990 and eventually was changed to Ami Pro which was again changed by IBM to Lotus Word Pro.
Recommended mwp file download:
IBM Lotus Word Pro
Detail mwp file extension information:
File Format: Lotus Word Pro SmartMaster File
Primary Association: Text Files
Mime Type: application/vnd.lotus-wordpro
Relevant mwp file links:
How to open mwp file on YoutubeHow to open mwp file on Wikipedia
How to open mwp file on Microsoft.com