What is a ssa file and how do I open a ssa file?
Kotus, an individual programmer , developed the SSA (Sub Station Alpha Subtitle) file storage technology and appended the .ssa extension to these files. These SSA files contain text content which may be implemented with layout and text formatting attributes, so this means different fonts, font styling and colors may be used by the creator of the SSA file. The MPlayer application provides support for files with the .ssa extension. There is a version of MPlayer developed for Microsoft Windows-based computers, and another version was also developed for Mac users. The Aegisub program is another application integrated with support for these SSA files, and just like MPlayer, Aegisub developers provide users with wider cross compatibility support, because they offer a version for users of Microsoft Windows-based systems and another version for Mac computers. These SSA files are mainly used by digital video developers, specifically to add subtitles to their video development projects using these text documents in the .ssa format. These video developers previously use Sub Station Alpha, which is a free application classified as video subtitle creation software, but since the developers of this program has discontinued development and support for this software, video developers now use other applications, some of which still offer support for these SSA files. Since files in the .ssa extension are generally text files, text editors can be used to open and view the content of these SSA text documents.
Relevant ssa file links:
How to open ssa file on YoutubeHow to open ssa file on Wikipedia
How to open ssa file on Microsoft.com