What is a xwp file and how do I open a xwp file?
The XMLwriter application can be used to create files with the .xwp extension, and an XWP file is the output document of an XMLwriter Project. These projects are for the verification of specific XML files and the associated data stored in the document. These XWP projects also have integrated features for efficiently facilitating the conversion of XSL content. Wattle Software developed the XMLwriter application and the associated .xwp data storage format technology. Since the content of these XWP files are encoded by the XMLwriter program and XML-based specifications, users of Microsoft Windows-based systems may try to open and view the content of these XWP files using text editing software like Microsoft Notepad, though it may not be displayed properly. This also applies to Mac-based platforms when users of the Apple TextEdit application try to open and access the content of these XWP documents.
Recommended xwp file download:
Wattle Software XMLwriter
Detail xwp file extension information:
Relevant xwp file links:
How to open xwp file on YoutubeHow to open xwp file on Wikipedia
How to open xwp file on Microsoft.com